Air University Press


Commanding an Air Force Squadron in the Twenty-First Century

  • Published
  • By Jeffry F. Smith
  • Air University Press, Maxwell AFB, AL
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Jeffry Smith updates the earlier release of Col Timothy T. Timmon’s Commanding an Air Force Squadron (1993). In this book, which includes a foreword by Gen John P. Jumper and an introduction by Colonel Timmons, USAF, retired, Colonel Smith relies on the vast “insights, experiences, and recommendations” of former and current commanders to identify the attributes of a successful commander at multiple levels. He identifies some issues commanders face regardless of the level of command, including counseling personnel, dorm inspections, commanders’ calls, money management, and the roles of spouses and families. According to Colonel Smith, the conduct of individuals in times of crises is the truest barometer of a good commander.


AuthorJeffry F. Smith
AU Press CodeB-9

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